Backache and discomfort: The waist area is the "mansion" of the Kidney, and the lack of Kidney Essence would result in inadequately supplied “mansion”, back pain and other related symptoms will appear, and must be taken seriously.
Forgetfulness: Kidney Essence nourishes the bones, but it also nourishes the brain (Sea of Marrow) because the bones are the cavity that houses the Marrow. When you notice your memory isn’t what it used to be, it is the telltale sign of Kidney Essence Deficiency.
When treating for Kidney Deficiency, we must first identify the root cause in order to improve the symptoms of the Kidney. Common causes of Kidney Deficiency are mainly the following: congenital deficiency; emotional disorders, moodiness, emotional excesses; excessive sexual intercourse; chronic illness that damages the Kidney; aging and ailing. The treatment principles are intimately related to the imbalance of Yin and Yang. One needs to correctly differentiate between Kidney Yang Deficiency and Kidney Yin Deficiency (in Deficiency of Yang, tonify Yang; In Deficiency of Yin, nourish Yin), otherwise the treatment will be counterproductive.
Forgetfulness: Kidney Essence nourishes the bones, but it also nourishes the brain (Sea of Marrow) because the bones are the cavity that houses the Marrow. When you notice your memory isn’t what it used to be, it is the telltale sign of Kidney Essence Deficiency.
When treating for Kidney Deficiency, we must first identify the root cause in order to improve the symptoms of the Kidney. Common causes of Kidney Deficiency are mainly the following: congenital deficiency; emotional disorders, moodiness, emotional excesses; excessive sexual intercourse; chronic illness that damages the Kidney; aging and ailing. The treatment principles are intimately related to the imbalance of Yin and Yang. One needs to correctly differentiate between Kidney Yang Deficiency and Kidney Yin Deficiency (in Deficiency of Yang, tonify Yang; In Deficiency of Yin, nourish Yin), otherwise the treatment will be counterproductive.